At a glance

  • Get electricity and gas up and running efficiently, with insights on connection times and urgent options.
  • Explore the perks of moving to a property with solar panels and how to maximise solar energy benefits.
  • Tips for homes with gas appliances, whether switching providers or ensuring LPG cylinders are ready to go.


When moving house, one of the essential tasks on your checklist is setting up your electricity and gas connections at your new residence. Whether you’re relocating within the same city or moving to a different state in Australia, ensuring a smooth transition of these vital services is crucial when moving home. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to best set up your electricity and gas connection when moving house in VIC, QLD, NSW, SA, ACT, or anywhere else in Australia.


Our Checklist To Make Moving And Connecting Utilities Easier


Plan Ahead Before Moving Day


Prior to moving you can start by giving the current electricity and gas providers notice of your move at least three days in advance of your moving date. This allows them to process your disconnection and ensures you’re not charged for energy used after you’ve left your old address. If you’re moving within the same state and wish to keep your existing provider, you may be able to transfer your account to your new address.


Research and Compare Energy Plans and Providers


Different states in Australia have various electricity and gas providers. So grab your energy bill and research the energy market. Compare plans from the available providers in your new location. Use keywords like “compare energy VIC,” “compare gas prices QLD,” “compare electricity plans NSW,” or “compare electricity and gas plans SA” to find relevant information. Energy experts Select and Switch can help you compare energy plans, prices, and offers from different providers to find the best deal for your needs. You can get free quotes using the Select and Switch online comparison tool or you can use their connection service by giving them a call. They will help you with connecting utilities such as electricity and gas when moving house.

It’s a good idea to also complete your energy comparison at least well before you move house, and once you have chosen your new energy plans, you can give your new energy provider at least 3 days notice so that they can complete your new electricity and gas connection. This way you will have power connected before moving into your new property. Don’t leave it until the day you move as moving day will be too late and moving house can be a stressful exercise even when you are organised.


Choose the Right Gas and Electricity Plan


Not all energy plans are created equal, so it’s essential to select the one that suits your requirements. Here are some factors to consider:


Tariff Options


Explore the different tariff options available, such as time-of-use, flat-rate, and controlled load tariffs. The best choice depends on your usage patterns.


Green Energy


If sustainability is important to you, consider plans that offer renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power.


Contract Length


Some plans may require you to sign a fixed-term contract, while others offer flexibility with no lock-in periods.


Discounts and Incentives


Look for plans that offer discounts for on-time payments, direct debit, or bundling electricity and gas services.


Notify Your New Provider


Contact your chosen electricity and gas provider to set up your new connection. You’ll need to provide them with the following details:

  1. Your new address
  2. Desired connection date
  3. Meter readings (if required)


Identification and contact information


Most providers can arrange a new connection within three business days. If you need power urgently, inquire about “urgent connection” options. Keep in mind that expedited connections often come with additional fees.


Check the Property’s Gas Infrastructure


For properties using natural gas, ensure that your new home has access to the gas network. If the property has been vacant for an extended period or is newly built, the gas supply may be switched off. Confirm with your gas provider if any additional work or inspections are necessary to connect gas to your new residence. Be prepared for potential fees associated with these services.


Transfer Your Account for Rental Properties


If you’re moving to a rental property, you can typically transfer your electricity account details from your current address to the new location. Contact your electricity retailer, provide your new address and move-in date, and request the transfer. This process usually incurs no fees.


Consider Energy Plans for Renters


While transferring your account to a new rental property, take the opportunity to review and compare your energy plan. You may find a better deal or more suitable options for your new home. Keep in mind that some retailers offer renter-specific electricity plans, which may include reduced connection and disconnection fees. There are sometimes offers available when you bundle your energy, either electricity or gas and internet, so check for these deals as well.
Here you can find more information on Electricity and natural gas—information for tenants.


Disconnecting Your Current Services When You Move Out


You’ll need to contact your provider to cancel your contract and existing connections and ensure they have your forwarding address to send you the final bill. Most providers require at least three days’ notice for disconnection. If you paid a security deposit when signing the contract, ensure it’s refunded when you cancel.


Maintain Utility Records


It’s essential to keep records of your energy-related communications and transactions. This includes meter readings, copies of bills and letters, and notes of any contact with your energy provider and distributor. These records can be valuable for dispute resolution or reference in the future.


Use Online Comparison Tools When Moving Home


To simplify the process of finding the best energy plans for your new address, consider using online comparison tools. These tools allow you to input your location and preferences, and they provide a list of available plans and providers. It’s a convenient way to ensure you’re getting the most cost-effective and suitable energy plan for your new home. There’s no better time to check what utilities services are available at the property. Consider both energy and internet when moving house as these can all be required to use when you’re moving house and you’ll need to organise them in advance. These comparison tools can be especially helpful when you move interstate to show what gas and electricity supply and providers are available in your new location.



Best setup of your gas and electricity connection when moving house


Here is some more information to help you navigate your new gas and electricity connection.


Can I have electricity at two houses while moving?


Yes, it is possible to have electricity in two houses while moving. You can have more than one electricity account in your name at different properties. Connect electricity to your new home before you move. However, as the account holder it’s crucial to remember to disconnect your account at the old address on your move-out date or the day after you move, to avoid paying for electricity at both properties.


My new house has solar panels. How do I sign up for a solar feed-in tariff?


To sign up for a solar feed-in tariff at your new property with solar panels, inform your electricity provider about your solar setup while communicating your move. Some providers may offer solar-specific energy deals, but keep in mind that these deals may have higher base rates to accommodate the increased feed-in tariff.


What are some tips for setting up utilities when renting in Australia?


Here are some quick tips and points to consider when moving into a rental property for organising your utilities and what you will need to check for a rental in Australia:

  1. Check your current electricity or gas contract for any exit fees if you plan to switch providers during your move. You can find this information on the Energy Price Fact Sheet.
  2. Decide whether you need to disconnect the old property before leaving. While this may not be required for rental tenants, homeowners may want to consider it if the property will remain vacant.
  3. If you’re moving out of a shared house, consider transferring the account details to another housemate before your departure.
  4. Ensure clear and safe access to the meter at your new property to facilitate the energy provider’s setup of a new connection.
  5. Keep track of meter readings at both your old and new homes on move-in and move-out dates to verify accurate billing by your provider.


Can I get electricity connected on a weekend?


Typically, moving house electricity connections are scheduled on weekdays. However, if you require an urgent connection, it may be possible to arrange for a connection after regular hours or during the weekend depending upon the complexity of the connection. Please be aware that such services may come with additional charges.


How long does it take to connect your electricity and gas?


The time it takes to connect electricity and gas can vary depending on the energy provider and your location. Typically, electricity connections can be sorted in as little as one business day, while others may take two or more business days.

Gas connections typically take longer than electricity and you will usually require at least a few extra days so allow for this. It’s important to note that electricity and gas connections are made on business days, not weekends or public holidays. If you require an urgent connection, contact your provider as early as possible, but be prepared to pay a fee for expedited service. Additionally, when moving, consider comparing energy and gas plans online to potentially find a better deal.


What if I’m moving to a place that has solar panels?


Moving to a property with solar panels can be advantageous as they harness solar energy to reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your electricity bills. Furthermore, you can benefit from feed-in tariffs, where you’re paid by your state or territory’s government for the surplus electricity your solar panels generate and feed into the grid. When informing your energy provider about your move, make sure to mention the presence of solar panels at your new home. Your provider will offer you a new contract with a feed-in tariff, maximising your solar energy benefits.


What if my new home has gas appliances?


If your new residence features gas appliances such as stoves, ovens, and water heaters, you’ll need to arrange connection of both gas and electricity when moving. Here are some considerations:

LPG Cylinders

If your new home relies on LPG cylinders, check the size of the cylinders connected and replace them if they are empty.

Natural Gas

If you are connected to natural gas and had it at your previous property, consider whether you want to stick with the same provider. They may offer combined gas and electricity plans, depending on your new location. However, keep in mind that combined plans may not always be the most cost-effective option.

Switching Providers

You have the option to switch to a new energy provider that offers both electricity and gas services. Utilise our free energy and gas comparison service to simplify the process of finding a provider that suits your needs.

Always remember to compare your gas plans and prices in VIC, QLD, New South Wales, SA, and ACT and find out what’s the best deal of rates available in your new area and location.


In the journey of moving to a new house, mastering the art of connecting and disconnecting electricity and gas is paramount for a smooth transition. Understanding the timeframes involved, from same-day connections to standard processes, ensures you’re never left in the dark. By using the free online energy comparison tool we provide at Select and Switch, we will help ensure that you are getting a great deal on your energy services and will also ensure that your gas and electricity energy connections are all sorted out before you move in.

Additionally, for those lucky enough to land in a home adorned with solar panels, it’s an opportunity to harness renewable energy and reap the rewards of feed-in tariffs for the electricity you generate. And if your new abode boasts gas appliances, navigating the switch couldn’t be more manageable. Whether sticking with your current provider or exploring new options, it all boils down to making informed choices that align with your needs. So, as you embark on your new adventure, remember that with the right knowledge, your move can be both seamless and energy-efficient.


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