At a glance:

  • Demand spikes are caused by a rapid increase in energy use as most Australians rely on heaters or air-conditioners during the winter or summer climates.
  • For those who have come across a peak rise in their energy costs, it is time for them to look for a new provider.
  • The residents and users can reduce their electricity-related emissions by implementing smart home solutions, energy efficiency strategies and using renewable energy sources available from Select and Switch.

Demand spikes are caused by a rapid increase in energy consumption among Australians. Winter and summer weather events are the most common triggers. The current market situation has contributed to energy-producing companies selling the energy they create at extremely high prices – up to 300 times the typical supply cost.

Many Australians rely on heaters or air-conditioners to keep warm or cool during severe climates. Several other energy services, such as gas-fired peakers, are built to step up quickly when more electricity is needed. Because of this, they are only meant to operate for a short period, such as when the demand for energy decreases or if other sources of energy are unavailable.

For those who have seen their energy costs rise, it is time to look for a new provider. You need not worry about service interruptions when you transfer to a new service provider, as Select and Switch handles everything with the new provider to ensure a smooth transfer. If you’re looking to switch energy providers, the Select and Switch free energy comparison tool will help you find a better energy deal. If you’ve been with the same provider for a long time then you may be hesitant to switch services but learning how the process works may help ease your concerns as you are likely missing out on significant savings. Contact Select and Switch to find out more.

Residents may worry that their expenses will rise if they switched providers as they did not know how to compare their usage. For this reason, Select and Switch has developed a free energy comparison tool that is designed to help you compare your current energy bill against a range of available energy offers and deals in the market. Once you find the best deal you can also request to switch to this new offer and Select and Switch will help transfer you to the new energy plan so that you can begin saving.

Efficient Saving of Energy Costs During the Winter

During the coldest and hottest months of the year, energy consumption is at its greatest. Heating and cooling systems are in high demand for several months because of everyone’s reliance and dependence on them. Temperatures may go as low as possible during the year’s coldest months. Smart home technologies, energy efficiency methods, and renewable energy sources offered at Select and Switch may help Australian residents minimise their electricity-related emissions.

If you want reduced pricing, winter season could be the ideal time to opt for energy service providers, as the usage in energy skyrockets during these peak seasons. Switching providers can be done anytime and it is best to check your prices at least once or twice a year.

During the colder months of the year, being able to choose and receive a fixed rate from an energy supplier might help you avoid unnecessary expenditure on your energy usage. At Select and Switch, you may review your energy supplier by using the free Select and Switch energy comparison tool on their website, or contact them by phoning 1800 959 969. Select and Switch offers a completely unbiased service that will help you to compare, select and switch your energy providers. Don’t delay in finding the best energy supplier for you – contact Select and Switch today!

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