At a glance

  • Energy deregulation introduces competition, empowering consumers to choose energy providers and electricity and gas plans that align with their values and preferences.
  • Increased competition leads to diverse energy options, competitive electricity and gas pricing, and potential innovation but also raises concerns about decision complexity and service quality.
  • Deregulated locations enable consumers to compare electricity and gas providers, their plans and offers, and evaluate rates and deals, contract terms, and renewable energy options for informed decisions.


The dynamics of energy generation, distribution, and consumption have evolved significantly. One of Australia’s most transformative shifts in energy plans has been the introduction of energy deregulation. This concept profoundly impacts consumer decisions and the broader energy market landscape. This comprehensive exploration will explore what energy deregulation means and its multifaceted implications for consumer choices, including its far-reaching effects on reshaping the energy sector.


Understanding Energy Deregulation


Energy deregulation, also known as energy liberalisation or market deregulation, is a paradigm shift that challenges the traditional monopolistic structure of energy markets. Historically, energy markets were dominated by vertically integrated utility companies or even governments that held control over every stage of energy production, distribution, and pricing. Energy deregulation seeks to break this monopoly by introducing competition with multiple energy and utilities providers participating in a single market.

This transformation allows consumers the freedom to choose their energy supplier, fostering a more dynamic, customer-centric energy ecosystem. Energy deregulation aims to promote efficiency and lower electricity and gas tariff prices by offering a range of energy providers to choose from.



Unpacking the Impact on Consumer Choices


Choice and Competition


Deregulation empowers you, as a consumer, to choose from various energy providers for both electricity and gas, compare their deals and plans, as well as rates and pricing structures. This competition leads to better offers, customised plans, and improved customer service. Consumers can select electricity and gas options that align with their energy usage patterns and budget.


Cost Savings


With increased competition, energy providers strive to offer competitive electricity and gas rates to attract and retain customers. This can result in potential cost savings for consumers who take the time to compare and switch to more favourable electricity or gas rates or plans. Deregulation encourages providers to innovate and find cost-efficient solutions.




Deregulated markets often offer a range of energy plans to cater to different needs. Consumers can choose electricity and gas plans that align with their environmental values, usage patterns, and payment preferences. This level of customisation allows for a tailored energy experience.


Consumer Empowerment


Deregulation puts consumers in the driver’s seat. They can switch electricity or gas providers if they’re dissatisfied or find a better deal or offer. This dynamic encourages energy providers to prioritise customer satisfaction and offer competitive incentives to retain their customer base.


Informed Decision-Making


Consumers need to educate themselves about the electricity, gas, and other energy options available in a deregulated market. That means awareness about their energy consumption, electricity and gas costs, and the environmental impact of different energy sources. In turn, this can foster a culture of energy conservation and efficiency.


Challenges with Complexity


While choice is empowering, it can also introduce complexity. Consumers must navigate various electricity and gas plans, relevant rates and deals, and the terms and conditions. Some might find this overwhelming and may need assistance to make informed decisions. Energy price comparison tools and government resources can help simplify the process in comparing the energy providers that service your area and finding the best electricity and gas rates or deals.


Price Volatility During uncertain times


Deregulated markets can sometimes experience price volatility due to market forces and fluctuations in supply and demand. Consumers might face varying energy costs depending on market conditions. This uncertainty could impact budgeting for some households and businesses.


Consumer Protection Measures


Regulators often implement consumer protection measures to ensure fairness, especially in partially deregulated markets. These measures can include price regulation for certain customer segments, transparency requirements, and dispute-resolution mechanisms.


Energy Deregulation Across Different Locations


Energy deregulation is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It manifests differently across various geographical regions. Let’s take a closer look at how energy deregulation unfolds in specific locations: Victoria (VIC), Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW), Australian Capital Territory (ACT), South Australia (SA), and Tasmania (TAS).


Energy Deregulation in Victoria (VIC)


Victoria was the first state in Australia to deregulate the electricity market in 2009. The result is that customers in Victoria can choose which electricity company and what plan or deal they want to use. More than 50 electricity providers operate in Victoria, with various energy plans to satisfy various customers’ demands. Customers are advised to complete an energy comparison in Victoria to evaluate the electricity and gas deals and plans available.


Energy Deregulation in Queensland (QLD)


Queensland has a partially deregulated energy market. While residential customers still have a regulated tariff structure in regional Queensland, residential and business customers in South East Queensland enjoy more flexibility since the market there was deregulated in July 2016. These customers can compare from a range of energy providers to choose the best electricity and gas deal or rate for their needs. Large energy users have the option to negotiate contracts directly with energy suppliers. The Queensland Competition Authority oversees pricing and ensures fairness.


Energy Deregulation in New South Wales (NSW)


New South Wales has a deregulated market for both residential and small business customers. Like Victoria customers in New South Wales can choose which electricity provider or retailer they prefer, and search for the best electricity and gas rates among the energy providers that service their location. Compare energy deals and offers in NSW by heading to a trusted energy comparison site such as Select and Switch.


Energy Deregulation in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)


The ACT has a fully deregulated electricity market, which means residential and business customers can choose their energy retailer. Like the other states with deregulated markets, the government sets default prices to protect consumers who don’t actively choose a retailer. This setup promotes competition and choice. Customers can generally find cheaper electricity and gas deals and rates than the governments’ default price by completing an energy price comparison.


Energy Deregulation in South Australia (SA)


South Australia adopted full retail competition, allowing residential and business customers to choose electricity and gas retailers. This choice has led to a variety of energy pricing plans and offerings for both electricity and gas rates. The Essential Services Commission of South Australia oversees the market to ensure transparency and fairness.


Energy Deregulation in Tasmania (TAS)


Whilst Tasmania has also adopted full retail competition, allowing residential and business customers to choose electricity retailers, the options for energy providers are not as vast as on the mainland. This is due to a smaller market size because of the smaller population. Customers can complete an energy comparison to look for the best electricity deals and offers and switch in the same way they can in other states if they choose.


Comparing Energy Providers in Australia


When comparing energy providers in Australia, the approach may vary based on the specifics of each market. Consumers in each region have the opportunity to consider factors such as:


Pricing Structures


You can compare the electricity and gas plans and rates and offered by different providers, evaluate energy tariffs, and offers, and choose a deal or plan that aligns with your budget.


Service Quality


Exploring customer reviews and ratings helps gauge the quality of service provided by different energy companies.


Renewable Energy Options


The availability of renewable energy plans allows environmentally conscious consumers to choose energy providers that prioritise sustainable energy sources.


If you are looking to compare electricity plans or compare gas plans in Australia, Select and Switch presents a seamless way to do that.




Easily compare top energy retailers for free, whether you have a recent energy bill or not. Our panel of leading energy providers is right at your fingertips. Quickly see the electricity and gas deals and options available to you.




Choose the electricity or gas offer that suits you best from the energy comparison results. Rest assured, our comparison is completely unbiased. Retailers are ranked solely based on price and potential savings to you. The decision is yours to make from the results and information provided. Choose the cheapest electricity and gas rate or deal that caters to your needs and requirements best, and that offers you the most savings.




Ready to make the change? Complete a few details, and we’ll handle the rest. We’ll seamlessly handle the switching process once you’ve selected your new electricity or gas offer. Your energy transition is in capable hands.


This streamlined process lets you easily find the best energy option, switch hassle-free, and enjoy potential savings.


The Future of Energy Deregulation


As we gaze into the future, the trajectory of energy deregulation presents a landscape of possibilities. Continued innovation, integration of renewable energy sources, and the potential for smarter energy grids are on the horizon. Consumers can anticipate an even more dynamic energy sector responsive to their needs and supporting a sustainable energy future.





Energy deregulation has initiated a seismic shift in the energy landscape, transferring the reins of choice and control to consumers. Energy deregulation has set the stage for a more efficient, dynamic, and environmentally conscious energy market by fostering competition and encouraging customisation. As we march ahead, the trajectory of energy deregulation promises an energy sector that adapts to consumer needs and shapes a sustainable energy future.

In conclusion, energy deregulation has fundamentally transformed the energy landscape, allowing consumers to make informed decisions about their energy consumption and the energy provider that offers them the best electricity or gas deal or solution. This transition invites competition in the market and lays the foundation for consumer empowerment, revolutionising the energy industry and driving towards a more sustainable and efficient energy future. Make your life easy and save more with the Select and Switch energy comparison service.

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