At a glance

  • Discover how to apply for government rebates on electricity and gas, reducing your energy expenses to lighten your financial load.
  • Follow a clear, detailed guide on eligibility, documentation, and the application process to ensure success in securing energy rebates.
  • By taking advantage of available energy rebates, you not only save money but also play a role in building a more energy-efficient and sustainable future.


Are you an Australian resident looking to save on your electricity and gas bills? The good news is that various government rebates and programs can help reduce the financial burden of energy costs. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of applying for these rebates, ensuring that you can take full advantage of the benefits available. Let’s dive in!


Understanding Energy Rebates in Australia


Before we delve into the application process, let’s get a clear picture of what energy rebates are and how they work. Energy rebates are financial incentives offered by the government to eligible individuals and households to help offset the costs of electricity and gas. These rebates are designed to provide financial relief, particularly to low-income households and pensioners.

In Australia, different states and territories have their own energy rebate programs, each with its eligibility criteria and benefits. Here, we will focus on some key rebates available in various regions across the country.


Queensland: Electricity and Reticulated Natural Gas Rebates


Queensland residents, particularly pensioners and seniors, can benefit from Electricity Rebate and Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate. The Electricity Rebate provides an annual discount of $372.20, while the Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate offers $86.75 per year.

To be eligible, you must hold one of the following:

  • Queensland Seniors Card
  • Services Australia Pensioner Concession Card
  • Services Australia Health Care Card (for Electricity Rebate only)
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card (War Widow/er Pension or special rate TPI Pension)
  • Asylum seeker status (for Electricity Rebate only)

The application process varies depending on your energy source. For gas, contact your gas retailer with your bills and concession card handy. For electricity, reach out to your electricity retailer or visit the Ergon Energy Queensland website if applicable.


New South Wales: National Energy Bill Relief Payment


Over 1.6 million New South Wales households and 320,000 small businesses are eligible for the National Energy Bill Relief payment. This program aims to alleviate the financial burden of electricity bills, offering significant support to those in need. Eligible households, including low-income, pensioner, self-funded retiree, family, and carer households, will receive a one-time relief payment of $500.

For most households, this relief will be distributed in quarterly instalments of $125, commencing 31 July 2023 onwards. Small businesses that consume less than 100 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity annually are also eligible, receiving a one-off payment of $650, with quarterly installments of $162.50.

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the National Energy Bill Relief payment, households must either already be

  • Recipients of specific NSW energy rebates
  • Low-Income Household (electricity) Rebate,
  • Seniors Energy Rebate,
  • Family Energy Rebate,
  • Medical Energy Rebate,
  • Life Support Rebate.

Alternatively, eligibility extends to those holding a valid Low Income Health Care Card, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Gold Card, or receiving the Carer Allowance. Notably, the energy account holder for the principal place of residence must be the recipient of the energy rebates and bill relief payments.

While households may be eligible for multiple energy rebates, only one bill relief payment is available per household in the financial year 2023-24.

How to Apply:

  • For those already receiving or eligible for an NSW energy rebate in 2023-24, no additional application is needed; the National Energy Bill Relief payment will be automatically disbursed.
  • Retail (on-market) customers not eligible for an energy rebate will be contacted by Services Australia or the Department of Veteran Affairs if they were eligible for the Low Income Health Care Card, Carer Allowance, or DVA Gold Card on 31 July 2023. They can apply for the bill relief payment through MyGov or their energy retailer, depending on their eligibility, starting in September or November 2023.
  • On-supply (embedded network) customers not eligible for an energy rebate will also receive notifications from Services Australia or the Department of Veteran Affairs if they were eligible for the Low Income Health Care Card, Carer Allowance, or DVA Gold Card on 31 July 2023. They can apply for the bill relief payment through Service NSW, with the application window opening in November 2023. If unsure about customer type, individuals can contact their electricity bill provider for guidance.


Victoria: Annual Electricity Concession


In Victoria, eligible cardholders can benefit from the Annual Electricity Concession, which provides a discount on domestic mains electricity usage and service costs. The concession amounts to 17.5% of electricity usage and service cost.

Eligibility criteria include holding one of the following cards:

  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Health Care Card
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card

It’s important to note that the concession is only available to households with an eligible dual element electricity meter or dual element smart meter.


South Australia: Energy Bill Concessions and Energy Bill Relief Rebate


South Australians on low or fixed incomes can apply for household concessions to help with the cost of energy bills for their primary residence. Eligible individuals may also receive the SA Concessions Energy Discount Offer or the Energy Bill Relief rebate.

To be eligible for the energy concession, you must meet specific criteria, including holding an eligible concession card or receiving an eligible Centrelink payment.


Tasmania: Your Energy Support (YES) Program


Tasmanian residents facing financial difficulties can access the Your Energy Support (YES) program by Aurora Energy. This program provides energy-saving tips, energy efficiency advice, and free phone energy audits to help control energy usage and bills.

Eligibility for the YES program is based on financial difficulty, outstanding Aurora Energy account balances, and the ability to participate actively in the program.


Energy Feed-in Tariff



In the Australian Capital Territory, NSW, QLD,SA and TAS, residents with small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) or wind power systems can benefit from energy feed-in tariffs. These tariffs pay for excess electricity generated by these renewable energy systems. The rates vary among energy retailers, and you can compare electricity providers their energy plans and feed in tariffs by using the Select and Switch comparison site to find a fair deal.

Eligibility for the feed-in tariff typically requires that your solar PV system is installed on a household or small business and connected to the grid within the National Energy Market (NEM). Additionally, financial assistance may be available for the installation of these renewable energy systems under the Australian Government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).


New South Wales: Bundled Equipment Upgrade Incentives


New South Wales offers incentives through the Energy Savings Scheme for businesses that upgrade their equipment and energy systems to become more energy-efficient. These upgrades can encompass a range of equipment types, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, furnaces, compressed air systems, hot water, and steam systems.

To be eligible for bundled equipment upgrade incentives, your business must be located in New South Wales and use an approved supplier. The approved supplier can guide you through the process and assist with the incentive. Some projects may also require you to measure your equipment’s energy use before and after the upgrade.


Victoria: Controlled Load Electricity Concession


Victorian residents who are eligible concession cardholders can apply for a 13% concession on controlled load usage charges on domestic mains electricity. Controlled load charges typically apply to separately metered electric hot water or slab heating, measured via a dual-element electricity meter or dual-element smart meter.

It’s important to note that the controlled load electricity concession will no longer be available from 1 December 2023. Eligibility criteria include holding one of the following cards: Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card, or Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.


Use Select and Switch to compare gas plans.


Navigating the Energy Rebate Application Process in Australia: A Step-by-Step Guide


Now that we’ve explored the various energy rebates and concessions available in different Australian regions, let’s walk through a detailed guide on how to successfully apply for these valuable financial incentives. By following these steps, you’ll be well-prepared to harness the benefits of energy rebates and ease the burden on your energy bills.


Step 1: Assess Your Eligibility


Before diving into the application process, it’s crucial to evaluate your eligibility for the specific rebate program you intend to pursue. Carefully review the eligibility criteria, which may vary based on factors such as income, concession cards, and residence location. Ensure that you meet all the specified requirements.


Step 2: Gather Essential Documents


Next, assemble all the necessary documents and information required for your rebate application. These typically include

  • Your concession card (e.g., Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card)
  • Recent energy bills and statements
  • Personal identification details
  • Proof of residence
  • Any additional paperwork requested by the rebate program.

By having these documents ready, you’ll streamline the application process and reduce the chances of delays or complications.


Step 3: Contact Your Energy Provider


Reach out to your energy provider, whether it’s for electricity or gas, to initiate the application process. Most providers offer multiple channels for submission, including online applications, phone assistance, or requesting physical application forms. Choose the method that suits your convenience and access.


Step 4: Validate Your Eligibility


During the application process, be prepared to provide the required documents and information to verify your eligibility for the chosen rebate program. This often includes submitting your concession card details, account information, and other relevant data. Ensure that all details are accurate and up-to-date.


Step 5: Stay Informed and Follow Up


Once you’ve submitted your application, it’s advisable to stay informed about its progress. Reach out to your energy provider if necessary to inquire about the status and ensure that all necessary steps are being taken. Timely follow-up can help expedite the approval process.


By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll navigate the energy rebate application process with confidence and efficiency. Whether you reside in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, or Tasmania, these principles apply across the board. Additionally, don’t forget to explore and compare the electricity and gas deals and plans from different energy providers. Try and find the cheapest electricity and gas rates and offers so you can then make informed choices and maximise your savings.




Government rebates for electricity and gas can significantly reduce your energy bills, making it easier to manage your household expenses. By understanding the available programs and following the application process, you can benefit from these financial incentives and enjoy more affordable energy costs.

Remember to complete an energy comparison to compare energy plans from different energy providers to find the best electricity and gas rates and maximise your savings. Whether you’re in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, or Tasmania, these rebates are here to help you save on your energy bills. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to lower your expenses and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Now that you know how to apply for government rebates for your electricity and gas, take the first step toward a more cost-effective and energy-efficient future.

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