At a glance:

  • Using heating appliances at home in the winter may take your energy bills to their peak when compared to the appliances used for cooling during summer.
  • Several methods could be considered to save energy bills, and a free energy comparison from Select and Switch can bring you unexpected benefits.
  • Various options such as using a smart thermostat or closing the damper when the fireplace is not in use can help as a start.

During the colder months, homeowners are more likely to see increased utility expenses. Heating your home in the winter may be more expensive than cooling it in the summer if you live in an area with harsh winters. However, you can avoid the annual spike by changing a few things around your home and some of your habits during the winter. There are several methods to save energy when the temperature lowers outside, including the following four tips.

  1. Your doors and windows should be weather-stripped.

Winter is a great time to look at ways that you may save money on your utility bill by sealing out draughts. Installing weather-stripping on your doors and windows can prevent the heat from escaping as easily. The area between the bottom of your door and the door frame is sealed with door sweeps. In addition, stoppers can provide some degree of warmth.

  1. Using a smart thermostat.

A smart thermostat is a cutting-edge way to save energy during the winter. A programmable thermostat allows you to fine-tune and optimise when your heater operates. It’s possible to set the thermostat at a lower temperature while you sleep or are away from home and then to a higher temperature when you return. You don’t have to sacrifice your comfort to save money on your utility bill in the winter.

  1. When the fireplace is not in use, close the damper.

Relaxing in front of a warm fireplace might be a nice way to finish a chilly day, but the heat will escape up the chimney and into the cold air if you fail to close the damper. You can also save power in winter by installing a more efficient fireplace and changing your wood-burning fireplace to gas. Also, getting a glass screen for your fireplace will make it more energy-efficient and more attractive. This also assures that the fire heat radiates rather than building up in the chimney and venting through the flue.

  1. Avoid obstructing your vents.

When furniture or curtains get in the way of your heating vents, your heater has to work more than necessary to keep the room warm. The increased pressure in your ductwork caused by blocked vents can lead to leaks and fractures. The proper operation of your heating system also depends on the cleanliness of the ducts in your home. If a piece of furniture is blocking a vent, consider utilising a vent extender to move the air into the room instead of wasting energy.

Many individuals remain home more in the winter, which can also increase energy use. If you want to save money and lessen your carbon impact, you need to save energy throughout the winter months. Use Select and Switch for a free energy comparison and you can drastically reduce your energy bills and stay content and warm with your family.

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