At a glance:

  • All of us want the cheapest, cleanest, most reliable solution, but choosing the best solution depends on various factors.
  • Does gas cost less than electricity?
  • Select and Switch makes the process of comparing electricity and gas quotes easy for you.

Electricity and gas are the two fuels you can choose from to power your house. But then, what is the best option for your home?

There are pros and cons to both options, but let’s face it. For most of us, it’s the price tag that ultimately makes the difference. Therefore, it pays to be aware of both electricity and gas costs and to choose the lowest-cost option.

All of us want the cheapest, cleanest, most reliable solution, but choosing the best solution depends on a variety of factors such as installation and running costs, how many people live in the house, how you use energy at night and during the day, where you live, and of course, which appliances you prefer.

Expenses upfront

Generally, electric appliances offer the lowest upfront costs for basic heating, hot water, and cooking appliances. However, the cost of more efficient electric appliances such as electric induction cooking or heat pump heating and air conditioning can rise significantly.

There is a subtle difference in cost between gas and electric appliances, but overall they are within a similar price range. Each appliance must have a gas supply point, which your gasfitter can install if it is not already there.

Costs of operation

The operating costs of new household appliances will be a major factor in helping you find the cheapest long-term option for you during the course of their lifespan. Additionally, you should consider how much energy your household will use over the next few years.

Low-cost electric appliances may be cheaper to buy, but they are usually the most expensive to operate. This means that over time, you may end up paying much more. This is especially true for storage hot water systems and electric room heaters.

Almost all households barring the smallest will save money by using natural gas appliances. Similar to electricity, gas does involve an initial supply charge, but then, the cost of a unit is much lower than it is for network electricity. In most areas, the cost of gas decreases as more is consumed, which is ideal for medium and large sized households.

Family size

In terms of energy consumption, how many people live there is one of the most important factors in your home. Due to their lower energy consumption, small households will take longer to pay off natural gas installations or more efficient appliances. These upfront costs may not necessarily matter a whole lot if your household has fewer appliances and you value performance, reliability, and decreased emissions. If your household consumes more energy than average, investing more upfront in energy solutions like natural gas is a good idea as it will help you achieve faster cost savings.


When choosing energy options, it is also important to consider your location. Don’t forget to consider things like:

  • How much does energy cost in my area? Location can impact electricity and natural gas costs significantly.
  • Do I have access to natural gas in my area and on my street?
  • Winter in some parts of the country; low temperatures at night impact the performance of certain electric appliances, including heat pumps.

Assurance of reliability

People place different values on having a reliable energy supply. A power outage may not be more than a mere inconvenience for some but can be life-threatening to others.

Several factors have been contributing to the reliability of the electricity supply in some areas in recent years, including high demand, storm damage, and intermittent supply. A secondary energy source (such as natural gas) can offer additional options and peace of mind to households that lack the much-needed access to network electricity.

Natural gas has the highest reliability of all home energy options – on average, the natural gas supply to your home only goes out once every 40 years. Even when a power outage does happen, you can still cook, heat your home, and use hot water with natural gas.

Does gas cost less than electricity?

Your situation, household location, and general preferences will determine which option ends up being the least expensive and most suitable. In case you lack access to the electricity grid, you might have to rely on gas, while those who already have access to gas may find gas appliances to be more cost-effective in the long run. If you intend to purchase new appliances or install new connections, it is always best to do your research.

If you’re stuck, you can always check out Select and Switch’s gas and electricity free comparison service. We’re here to make the process of comparing electricity and gas quotes easy for you. Compare energy plans from leading energy providers by tariff type, usage charges, and supply charges using our free service.

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