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and Gas Deal and Switch

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Find the Best Deals

Compare energy plans from multiple providers to find the best deals for your needs.


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Select your preferred offer from the online comparison result. Our comparison is unbiased with retailers ranked by price or savings only.


Save Money

Save on your energy bills by choosing the most cost-effective plans.

Why Select and Switch

Brands We Compare

How Select And Switch Benefits you

We do not compare all brands, plans or products in the market, or all plans or products offered by all brands. At times the availability of plans and offers may change, and some brands and/or products may not be available or offered to you. Some products and special offers may only be available from our call centre or website – please call us to see if you are eligible.

Residential & Business Benefits

Electricity & Gas

Save time and effort by comparing a range of electricity and gas plans from our leading energy retailers to help you easily find a better deal and save. Compare now.

Phone & Internet

Save time and effort by talking to us about your phone or internet needs. Our telco experts will do all the work on your behalf to find you a better plan or solution.

Business Exclusive Benefits

Fuel Cards

Save time and money, and simplify your admin, with an all-in-one card that helps you manage your business vehicle expenses. Get in touch with us today.

Cyber Security

Protect your business and customer data, and prevent disruption to your operations, without the hassle of finding the best cyber solution.


Save money, reduce your carbon footprint, improve your brand, and take advantage of potential solar rebates. Contact us today to find out how.


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